Book a congress or interclub event

Congress Application

Congresses are an important feature of our bridge community. They provide opportunities to play in events that match players against others at similar stages in their player development and provide tremendous social occassions as well. Clubs in both metroplitan Sydney and country areas are encouraged to host congresses.

The ABF Masterpoint Scheme requires congresses to be approved by State Associations (i.e. Bridge NSW) (see 5.1.1 in the manual). Bridge holidays and cruises also require approval with some additional requirements (5.1.2). Clubs can also host Interclub events (2.7). This page provides details of how to apply including relevant forms.

Each year in July clubs will be sent by email an invitation to host congresses. That invitation is also posted to this page. Bridge NSW will maintain and publish a draft calendar that will show applications received. Once approved the congress will be added to the Calendar.

Updating the Calendar

Once your congrsss is approved and added to the calendar you can request changes to the information displayed by emailing the Calendar Coordinator at

Two pieces of information will be missing from your calendar entry when it is first created – the link to Register and the link for Results. Bridge NSW prefers that congresses use MyABF for registration, but whatever you choose you need to send the link for registration to the Calendar Coordinator. Similarly Bridge NSW encourages clubs to post congress results to, but whatever you use choose you need to send the link for the results to the Calendar Coordinator as soon as available.

Reviewing and reporting

Bridge NSW requires organisers to submit a Congress Report at the conclusion of each event. Failure to submit the report may result in the club not being able to run a congress in the following year. The new report form (below) now also requires details of responses to a survey to be conducted by the Congress Organiser. The survey and report form are available below.

2025 Congresses

2025 Invitation Letter (PDF)

2025 Congress Conditions (PDF)

Congress Application Form (online form)

Interclub Event Application Form (coming soon)

Congress Player Survey (Word)

2025 Congress Report (Word)