Bridge NSW events v2

Bridge NSW organises State championship events and other special events including Gold Point events and Teams of Three.

Details of club congresses can be found on the calendar. Information on how to apply to host a congress is available here.


State Championships

State Championships  organised by Bridge NSW include the State Open Pairs, State Open Teams, and State Mixed Pairs, and two events are played entirely in clubs using common deal files (State-Wide Pairs and Under 100 Masterpoints Championship).

This category also includes four Interstate Team Selection Categories.

Lastly there are championships hosted by clubs on behalf of Bridge NSW. Bridge NSW invites clubs to host other State Championships on its behalf, details are available at the link below.

Apply to host a NSW Championship

Interstate Teams Selections

Each year at the Australian National Congress, Teams from each State contest in four categories: Open, Women’s, Seniors and Youth. These teams are chosen though Interstate Team Selection (ITS) events in the four categories os OITS, WITS, SITS and YITS.

Eligibility rules are as follows:

  • Only registered players who identify as female may play in the WITS.
  • Only registered players who were 63 or older on on 1 January in the year of the event may play in the SITS. (In future years this will be amended to 64).
  • Only registered players who were under the age of 25 on 1 January in the year of the event are eligible for the Youth Team. Players older than this may play in the YITS with the permission of Youth Committee Chair or other person delegated by the Board.

Full Supplementary Regulations can be found on the Events Regulations Page

Dates for the ITS can be found on the Calendar


Open ITS (Start 22 Feb MyABF link)

Women’s ITS (Start 28 Mar MyABF link)

Seniors’ ITS (Start 25 Apr MyABF link)

Youth ITS (Start 27 April MyABF link )



State Championships hosted by Clubs

The following State Championships are being hosted by clubs in 2025.


Gold Point and Special Events

Bridge NSW hosts three gold point events, two of which are organised under licence by club(s). The additional special event is the Teams of Three with captains selected from our State representative teams.  Details of each event can be found by following the links below.

Central West Festival of Bridge (10 to 13 April 2025)

Coffs Coast Gold Congress (12 to 17 August 2025)

Sydney Spring Nationals (18 to 26 October 2025)

Teams of Three (1 June 2025)