20 – 29

North Shore Bridge Club Bridge Festival

RealBridge and F2F

List of Festival Events
20th June 2025  Two Men And A Truck Restricted Swiss Teams
22nd June 2025  Two Men And A Truck Restricted Swiss Pairs
26th June 2025  Fixed Income Solutions Open Swiss Matchpoint Pairs (RealBridge)
                               Fixed Income Solutions Restricted Swiss Matchpoint Pairs (RealBridge)
27th June 2025  Watermark Swiss Pair
28th June 2025  Fixed Income Solutions Online Swiss Teams (RealBridge)
29th June 2025  TBIB Swiss Teams


Organiser: Michael Prescott / Gary Barwick
Contact: ✉ mikeprescott7@hotmail.com ☎ 0435 528 872


Event Type: Congresses
Event Setting: Face 2 Face