Bridge NSW

The Bridge Tree

Bridge NSW is the State body responsible for administering bridge in New South Wales. It is one of the constituent associations of the Australian Bridge Federation.

Bridge NSW is a not-for-profit organisation run by a Board, which is appointed by and receives advice from a Council.

Board and Council of Bridge NSW

Bridge NSW has a virtual office and no physical mailing address. Contact information is below:

Telephone0429 063 407

Representation and Administrative structure

NSW is large and there are more than 140 affiliated clubs with over 11,000 members. These clubs are the members of Bridge NSW and are represented by Councillors, the majority of whom are elected. The composition of the Council ensures appropriate representation of both small and large clubs.

The management of the activities of Bridge NSW is delegated by the Council to the Board, which includes members appointed on the basis of possessing specific skills.

This page is under revision. The remaining information below is from the NSWBA website, is unedited and should not be relied upon.

The State is split into 5 zones (each with a NSWBA Councillor), further split into 15 regions (each with a representative) containing a smaller number of clubs.

 NSW Council – including Zones by Postcodes

 NSW Zonal and Regional Representatives – Roles and Contact Details

Clubs can also see which zone and region they are in by viewing their individual Club’s details.

 NSW Clubs

Administrative structure for bridge in NSW

Outer MetropolitanHunter171,016
Central Coast4506
NorthernFar North10620
North Inland11388
Mid North Coast12745
SouthernFar South Coast7433
South Coast4525
Southern Highlands4333
WesternCentral West-Blue Mountains17 970
South West7392
TOTALS AT 31 OCT 202251315311,608