Bridging NSW

Bridging NSW is our monthly newsletter, which is published at the end of each month. It seeks to:

  • Share positive bridge experiences of individuals and clubs
  • Promote clubs and members
  • Promote the game of bridge to new players
  • Promote opportunities for teaching and directing
  • Be a record of Bridge NSW events.

You can subscribe to the newsletter and opt in to other communications from Bridge NSW here.


Bridging NSW depends entirely on contributions from the community, be that stories from congresses, projecs to grow your club, interesting hands or anything else linked to our objectives. 

Deadline for submissions: second last Wednesday of the month.

Please send contributions to You can reduce the work required by the editorial team by using the simple word proforma provided here.


Each issue will include a compendium of flyers for congresses, other events, lessons or workshops. To be included these need to be with the editorial team before the second last Wednesday of the month.

We only accept single page A4 flyers in portrait – preferably submitted as PDF files. We will generally only publish flyers for events in the next two months, though we will make an exception for major NSW events.

More generally the policy in relation to “commercial” advertising is that:

  1. Any event being sponsored by a member club is entitled to a whole page in the “flyer” section irrespective of whether a third party gains a commercial benefit.
  2. Any request to promote a commercial activity that can be identified as being to the benefit of the community will be entitled to about half a page preferably written as advertorial.
  3. One page of researched writing including analysis will entitle the author to one page of advertisement.