NSW directors
This list of Directors has been compiled from the responses to the Directors Survey sent in mid 2024. If you want to have your details added then please complete the survey. To correct indformation included here email office@bridgensw.com.au.
Click here to complete the survey.
The region is purely an indication of where geographically Directors are based. Congress Directors often travel widely. If you would like to contact a Director please email directing@bridgensw.com.au.
Clicking on the heading of a column in the table below will sort the columns by that category.
First Name | Last Name | Region | Level |
Adele | Mitchell | Hunter | D (Club) |
Alan | Bustany | Central Coast | B (State) |
Andrew | Smith | South Coast | D (Club) |
Angela | Parker | Central West | D (Club) |
Ann | Blue | South Coast | D (Club) |
Ann | Luke | Northern Inland | D (Club) |
Brian | Glover | Northern Inland | D (Club) |
Brian | goldman | Hunter | D (Club) |
Brian | McCarney | Central West | D (Club) |
Brian | Soutter | Metro West | C (Congress) |
Bruce | TIer | Northern Inland | C (Congress) |
Carl | Phillips | Mid North Coast | D (Club) |
Carmel | Brooks | Mountains | D (Club) |
Carol | Briscoe | Mid North Coast | D (Club) |
Carol | McKee | Mid North Coast | TBA |
Cassandra | Mitchell | Metro North | D (Club) |
Cath | Whiddon | Metro North | D (Club) |
Cecilie | Lewis | South Coast | D (Club) |
Cherie | Morgan-Jones | Northern Inland | D (Club) |
Chez | Rands | Hunter | C (Congress) |
Chris | Bayliss | Southern Highlands | C (Congress) |
Chris | Hannan | Central Coast | D (Club) |
Chris | Maxted | Far South Coast | TBA |
Chris | Sinclair | Mid North Coast | D (Club) |
Christine | Bartlett | Mountains | TBA |
Christine | Blackledge | Hunter | D (Club) |
Christine | Hadaway | Central Coast | D (Club) |
Christopher | Cox | Central West | D (Club) |
Dave | Havyatt | South Coast | D (Club) |
Dave | Reddel | Central West | C (Congress) |
David | Bowerman | Central Coast | D (Club) |
David | Farmer | Metro North | C (Congress) |
David | Graham | Southern Highlands | D (Club) |
David | Hagley | Metro North | D (Club) |
david | johnson | Mid North Coast | D (Club) |
Dawn | Kaehler | South Coast | D (Club) |
Denise | Gough | Central West | D (Club) |
Derrick | Browne | Metro Bnorth | C (Congress) |
Elizabeth | Jelbart | Central West | D (Club) |
Elizabeth | Neil | Metro North | D (Club) |
Frances | Dunn | Northern Inland | D (Club) |
Frances | Lessels | Mountains | TBA |
Frank | Gooley | Northern Inland | D (Club) |
Gail | Hamer | Hunter | D (Club) |
Gary | Barwick | Metro North | D (Club) |
Gerald | Dawson | Northern Inland | D (Club) |
Gerard | De Jong | Metro North | D (Club) |
Glenda | Parmenter | Northern Inland | D (Club) |
Glenn | Conroy | Hunter | TBA |
Graeme | Schubert | Hunter | D (Club) |
Grant | Harris | South West | D (Club) |
Hans | Tiller | Hunter | D (Club) |
Harry | van ser Veeke | South West | D (Club) |
Helen | Benefer | South Coast | D (Club) |
Helen. | Blewitt | Mid North Coast | D (Club) |
Ian | Jackson | Mountains | D (Club) |
Ian | Maclean | Mountains | C (Congress) |
Ian | Lisle | Metro South East | A (National) |
Ian | price | Northern Inland | TBA |
Ian | Spight | Hunter | D (Club) |
Ian | Wright | Far South Coast | D (Club) |
Jacquie | Williams | Far North | TBA |
Jan | van den Broek | Metro North | D (Club) |
Jane | North | Central West | D (Club) |
Janice | Tonuri | Central West | D (Club) |
Jeff | Carberry | South Coast | A (National) |
Jenny | Barnes | Nmetro North | D (Club) |
Jillian | MacRae | South Coast | D (Club) |
Jim | Stroud | Northern Inland | TBA |
Joan | Hurst | Central West | D (Club) |
John | de Ridder | Hunter | D (Club) |
John | Hetherington | South Coast | D (Club) |
John | McIlrath | Hunter | A (National) |
Johnno | Newman | Metro North | B (State) |
John | Reid | Far South Coast | D (Club) |
John | Slade | Mid North Coast | D (Club) |
Judith | Noaf | Northern Inland | D (Club) |
Judy | Halliday | Hunter | D (Club) |
Judy | Robertson | Central West | D (Club) |
Julie | Firmstone | Far North | D (Club) |
Julie | Sadler | Central Coast | D (Club) |
Kathy | Heffernan | Hunter | TBA |
Kaye | Frankland | Hunter | D (Club) |
Ken | Harrison | Far South Coast | D (Club) |
Ken | Horne | Hunter | D (Club) |
Ken | Wilks | Hunter | C (Congress) |
Kerrie | Stien | Hunter | D (Club) |
Kerry | Hatswell | Mountains | D (Club) |
Kevin | Tant | Far South Coast | C (Congress) |
Kevin | Willcocks | Northern Inland | D (Club) |
Lauri | Perino | Far South Coast | D (Club) |
Lee | Turner | Southern Highlands | D (Club) |
Les | Tyson | Metro South West | D (Club) |
Leslie | Falla | Hunter | D (Club) |
Lon | Scott | Metro South West | D (Club) |
Louis | Koolen | Central Coast | C (Congress) |
Louise | McGoldrick | Metro South West | D (Club) |
Lucia | Mendonca | Metro South East | D (Club) |
Lyn | Armstrong | Central West | D (Club) |
Marcia | Scudder | Metro South East | B (State) |
Marelle | Irvine | Central West | D (Club) |
Margaret | Badger | Metro North | D (Club) |
Margaret | Dunlop | Mid North Coast | D (Club) |
Margaret | East | Metro West | D (Club) |
Marianna | Xerri | Central West | D (Club) |
Marie | Pickering | South Coast | D (Club) |
Martin | Sims | Far South Coast | C (Congress) |
Max | Paterson | Metro North | D (Club) |
Megan | McGlashan | Metro North | C (Congress) |
Michael | Pemberton | South West | D (Club) |
Michael | Prescott | Metro North | C (Congress) |
Nancy | de Ville | Mid North Coast | D (Club) |
Nick | Hughes | Metro North | B (State) |
Patricia | Yeo | Mid Notth Coast | D (Club) |
Paul | Corbett | Far South Coast | TBA |
Pauline | Caust | Central Coast | D (Club) |
Peter | Baily | Hunter | D (Club) |
Peter | Bardos | Metro West | D (Club) |
Peter | Barrow | South Coast\ | D (Club) |
Peter | Fitzmaurice | Metro North | D (Club) |
Peter | Tarlinton | Central West | D (Club) |
Peter | Wheatley | Hunter | D (Club) |
Phil | Booth | Mid North Coast | C (Congress) |
Rex | Hanson | Northern Inland | D (Club) |
Ronnie | Ng | Metro | A2 (National) |
Rosalie | Black | Metro North | D (Club) |
Rosalind | Dey | Central Coast | D (Club) |
Ross | Milbourne | Far South Coast | D (Club) |
Ross | Mulholland | Metro West | D (Club) |
Roy | Cotton | Central Coast | D (Club) |
Royce | Collins | Far North | D (Club) |
Ruth | Perris | Hunter | D (Club) |
Sachiko | Cathcart | Metro North | D (Club) |
Sandra | McBain | Northern Inland | D (Club) |
Sharyn | Dilosa | Mid North Cost | D (Club) |
Simon | elderfield | Southern Highlands | D (Club) |
simon | hunter | Metro North | D (Club) |
Sonya | McLennan | Far North | D (Club) |
Stuart | Cutsforth | South Coast | TBA |
Sue | Crompton | Metro North | D (Club) |
Sue | Josephsen | South Coast | D (Club) |
Sue | Lindner | Mid North Coast | D (Club) |
Sue | McConnell | South West | D (Club) |
Sue | Riley | Metro North | D (Club) |
Sylvia | Foster | Central Coast | D (Club) |
Tammy | Schwarz | Mountains | D (Club) |
Terence | Palmer | Metro South East | D (Club) |
Thomas | Fehily | Hunter | TBA |
Thomas | Karsai | Metro North | D (Club) |
Tom | Meakin | Mid North Coast | TBA |
Tony | Rolfe | Far South Coast | D (Club) |
Val | Heferen | Central West | D (Club) |
Vanda | Cassim | Central West | D (Club) |