Club premises

Types of premises

Bridge clubs in NSW have a wide range of arrangements for the housing of their clubs. Some clubs own their building, others rent premises or have another arrangement. These arrangements can be with community groups, such as the use of church halls or local council premises, or arrangements for the use of space within a licenced club (eg bowls, golf, services). The choice of arrangement depends largely on the size of the membership, the location of the club and the options available.

If you’re considering finding premises for your club you might:

  • Approach your local council about the use of public facilities
  • Establish the club as a sub-club or other arrangement with a licenced club
  • Partner with another community organisation

As your club gets bigger you will increasingly need space to store bridge equipment including boards, score sheets, the club library, dealing machine, bidding boxes or pads, bridgemates and scoring computers. Your future premises needs should be part of your planning,

Most arrangements will not provide any insurance for your contents. Some arrangements will explicitly require that ou maintain insurance (as this avoids questions of liability between you and the building owner). The ABF’s insurance partner TBIB are specialists in securing insurance for bridge clubs.

Dubbo Bridge Club has very clear signage on their builing.

Financial assistance

If your club is considering purchasing premises, expanding your premises or partnering with another organisation to develop premises, you might like to apply for financial assistance.

Government grants

All levels of government operate grant programs to support community activities. Where Bridge NSW is aware of any programs we will inform clubs. Equally we would appreciate members of our community alerting us to grant programs that might be applicable. We do not maintain any specialist resources to assist with grant applications but we may have data or information to assist, and we can always seek to draw on the talents of the wider bridge community.

Unfortunately bridge clubs are not eligible for grants for sporting activities. However, the ABF is currently preparing a case to be recognised as a National Sports Organisation by the Australian Sports Commission. When they are successful, Bridge NSW will make an application to be recognised as a State Sports Organisation.

James O’Sullivan Foundation

The Australian Bridge Federation administers the James O’Sullivan Foundation. One of the objectives of this foundation is “to promote the intellectual sport of contract bridge and to assist bridge players and bridge organisations in bridge-related activities”. Clubs may negotiate loans with the ABF and “the Trustees may grant or lend monies with or without security and with or without interest for such period and on such terms as the Trustees think fit”. Many bridge clubs have made use of this foundation to help fund the purchase or renovation of club premises. Fore more detailed information see