General Information

We see Bridge NSW’s role as:

  • Facilitators
  • Offer a flexible structure to allow teachers to develop their own courses
  • Offer teachers advice, training, and mentors
  • Provide additional learning resources, e.g. online practice sessions, self practice hands
  • Suggest alternative pathways for those unable to go to club lessons, e.g. online lessons


There is no requirement for club lessons to be run by a qualified teacher. However, the local club teacher is often the first person in a student’s introduction to our sport and to their development. We would like to help you make a great first impression!

Bridge NSW Beginner Lesson Material is available here

Other Modules

Under For Teachers are other modules which will be expanded in 2025.

Teacher Resources  – this area looks to provide resources for teachers to extend their knowledge and improve their skills

Teaching Community  – In 2025 we will look to introduce an interactive forum for teachers to discuss ideas, get help etc. A summary of the topics discussed will appear here. In the interim some of the important issues have been listed here to generate feedback.

Community Material  – Many teachers have developed their own excellent materials or come across really good videos, notes, articles etc.  The idea here is to share these materials for the benefit of all.