Online Teams League

The Online Teams League (OTL) runs throughout the year on Monday nights on the RealBridge platform. It is played in four seasons in which divisions of eight teams play a round robin over seven weeks with some skips to avoid major events (see table). Starting at 7pm, you play a 24-board match each night in two 12-board half-matches with your opponents changing to their teammates at half-time.

The entry fee is $560 per team with an $80 early-bird discount. The youth 50% discount also applies. Teams can consist of up to eight players and generous substitution regulations also apply. It is a State event that awards red masterpoints.

Aimed at all serious players, including the best of the best

The OTL is designed to provide a competitive game for serious players. We hope to attract players who have won major championships, represented their state, or even Australia, and also everyone who is keen to have a shot at playing against them and want to develop their tournament bridge. Your team will be ranked into a Division of eight teams providing competition against teams at a similar level. After each season you can get promoted to a higher (or relegated to a lower) Division to reflect the level of success you have, and provide you with the opportunity to play against teams who have performed similarly.

An ideal development environment

On RealBridge you can compare the bidding and play at your table to::

  • others in your Division;
  • players in higher or lower Divisions; and
  • double dummy and alternative lines of play.

This provides an excellent platform for you, your partner, your teammates, your mentor, or others to review, coach, and improve your play.


Full details of the format are provided in the Supplementary Regulations

OTL Supplementary Regulations 2025 (to be published soon)

Bridge NSW has prepared resources to assist you playing on RealBridge

How to play RealBridge (link to page)

Online Leagues Seasons 2025

Autumn7 Apr14 Apr21 Apr28 Apr12 May19 May26 May
Winter 21 Jul28 Jul4 Aug11 Aug18 Aug25 Aug1 Sep
Spring29 Sep13 Oct27 Oct3 Nov17 Nov24 Nov1 Dec