Self-guided learning

For most people learning to play bridge is easiest face-to-face at a club. One gets the benefit of experienced teachers and the social interaction. Find a club

Where in person lessons are impractical, or to supplement those lessons, the links below might help.  We recommend contacting a local club to practise what you have learned. Alternatively, once you have done some learning, you can practice bidding and declarer play at Self-guided practice

The suggestions below focus on the American style of 5 card major bidding, which is the most common style used in Australia. (For those wishing to learn Acol style, we suggest No Fear Bridge, Scottish Bridge Union or NZ Bridge.)

Introduction to bridge

If you are complete beginner, or a relatively new player, you will find more explanations at No Fear Bridge.

New to Trick Based Card Games? Try MiniBridge Part 1.

Guidelines on how to play cards better.  Try MiniBridge Part 2.

Consider North Shore Bridge Club Online Lessons here.

Learning bridge

We have different learning styles, one of these formats may suit you.

Bridge NSW Lesson Materials here

Online Lessons: NSBC

Online: Funbridge

Modern AppsTricky Bridge    Learnbridge


J Butts Lesson 1 of 6  P Hollands Lesson 1 of 6    ACBL Youtube Channel

Online Lesson Notes:

Bridge Doctor   A Teacher First


D Browne – Beginners’ Bridge

J Butts – A Workbook for the Absolute Beginner

R Klinger – Bridge Basics

P Marston – Introduction to Bridge