Teaching Community


We will look to launch a Teaching Community in early 2025. Meanwhile here are some of the issues we will be looking for feedback on.

  1. How can we run online Supervised Sessions for those smaller clubs without the capacity to run their own?
  2. How can we run online Improver / Intermediate Lessons again for those clubs unable to do this themselves?
  3. How do we teach people unable to attend lessons during the day and local club is unable to provide evening or weekend lessons / sessions &/or follow up Supervised Sessions?
  4. How can we help develop teachers – both new/inexperienced and those who have been teaching a while and wish to improve? Do we need skills workshops &/or mentoring or ….?

One approach would be for a club(s)/individual(s) to extend their current online lessons / sessions to include all players in the state. Bridge NSW would look to provide support to these clubs and market the event.

If you have thoughts on these issues or your club would be willing to discuss extending your current lessons / sessions to all state players, please contact education@bridgensw.com.au

App Reviews: These days there are some good apps and other online tools to help teachers and students. Rather than just refer teachers / students to the apps/tools and the like, does anyone have in depth experience of using these apps/tools that could write up what are the best circumstances to use these in and be a sounding board for other teachers to talk to. (So for example Tricky Bridge, Funbridge, BridgeWhiz, Bridgeplay, …….)

How You Can Help

  • Would your club or you be willing to extend their current online lessons or sessions to include other clubs or all players in the state?
  • Do you have ideas on how to develop teachers? Would you be willing to run a program to achieve this?
  • Would you be willing to mentor an inexperienced teacher?
  • Would you be willing to take the lead creating a Teaching Community or help run the community?
  • Would you be willing to help maintain this website for Lessons or Teachers or both?

If you can help please contact education@bridgensw.com.au