Directors’ accreditation
Director accreditation in NSW
Four levels of Director accreditation are recognised within Australian bridge: National (A), State (B), Congress (C) and Club (D).
Accreditation of National Directors is, as the name suggests, a responsibility of the ABF. Formal training is not required to run a green masterpoint event, that is, a standard club duplcate session. Directing red or gold point requires formal qualification at the appropriate level as described below. The Directing Committee may approve a Director without the necessary qualification for a specific event.
Accreditation of Club and Congress Directors is the responsibility of the Head of State Director Accreditation. Accreditation of State Directors is by resolution of the Bridge NSW Board on the recommendation of the Directing Committee.
NSW has adopted a module style approach to training as used in Victoria. The content of the modules referred to in the tables below can be found on the Director development page.
Club Duplicate (no qualification)
Can run club sessions for which green masterpoints are awarded.
No formal training is required to run a club duplicate session (that is, a green point session). It is recommended that all club directors complete
- Laws 1
- Movements 1
- Technology & Scoring 1
- Six sessions co-directing with a more experienced director (prior to directing solo)
- Can run a single session club duplicate
- Can select an appropriate Mitchell or Howell movement
- Can rule correctly on common bridge law situations
No formal maintenance is required. It is recommended that club duplicate directors take a laws refresher course every three years or attend a directors’ workshop.
Club Duplicate Competition (Level D)
Required to direct club competions for which red masterpoints are awarded.
Formal training is required, including all the recommended training for a Club Duplicate Director:
- Laws 1
- Movements (1 + 2)
- Technology & Scoring 1
- Masterpointing (Introduction)
- Preparation/Organisation 1
Assessment of candidature via written examination
- Can select an appropriate Mitchell or Howell movement
- Can rule correctly on common bridge law situations
- Can organise and run multi-session events
- Can select appropriate movements
- Can seed a field
- Can recognise judgement rulings and knows when to consult with more senior Directors
- Can apply the correct masterpoint parameters
- Can provide assistance, in the form of advice to Club Duplicate Directors.
Complete the Annual Director Reaccreditation test
Take a laws refresher course every three years (minimum)
Demonstrate continued involvement with directing at club (or higher) level
Congress (Level C)
Required to direct a congress or similar events.
Formal training is required, including all the recommended training for a Club Competition Director plus:
- Laws 2
- Movements 2
- Technology & Scoring 2
- Masterpointing (Advanced)
- Preparation/Organisation 2
- Co-direct a minimum of six singleday congress events, under the supervision of at least two different experienced Congress Directors
- Assessment via written examination (theory) with a further (practical) assessment from a higher-level supervisor
The proficiencies expected of a Club Competition Director plus:
- The skills necessary to organise and run any standard Congress event format e.g. Swiss Teams, Swiss Pairs (IMP and Matchpoint) Swiss Teams
- The ability to handle difficult people, including disruptive and litigious individuals
Complete the annual Director Reaccreditation test
Take a laws refresher course every three years by attending a seminar/workshop targeted at higher level Directors (minimum)
Demonstrate continued involvement with directing at Congress (or higher) level
State (Level B)
Required to direct a State Championship.
Formal training is required, including all the recommended training for a Congress Director plus:
- Laws & Movements 3
- Technology & Scoring 2
- Candidates will need to display the requisite aptitude and abilities while assisting at State events
- Candidates will be expected to have worked at a national event and have received a favourable report from the CTD.
- General assessment via peer review
The proficiencies expected of a Congress Director plus:
- A though knowledge of the Laws and the ability to articulate them to both players and fellow Directors
- The ability to run any type of event as specified by the Events Committee
- To provide leadership and mentoring to various lower-level Directors
- The ability to run BBO/RealBridge broadcasted events
- Demonstrate an on-going commitment to professional development, via participation in seminars and workshops targeted at higher-level Directors and the willingness to conduct workshops and courses for other Directors
- Demonstrate continued involvement with directing at state (and higher) levels
- Reports from National Directors with whom you have co-directed