Community Material


The idea of this page is to share the best of the best materials to other teachers be it set hands, videos, articles and so on. It will be into 2025 before we really kick this page off but here are some ideas to, hopefully, generate interest.

Please forward any ideas to


Quizzes and Tips

RealBridge Bidding Contest enhance your understanding of reading the cards & hand shape during the auction

T Zines Defence Top Tips

Student Notes


Allows you to practice bidding and Declarer Play. Instructions here

You’re welcome to use the hands in the Inventory below. Even better, add to the list by sending us any links you use.

Clink on LINK in Inventory

For Improver + hands see Will Jenner O’Shea


BBO HandViewer

The idea is to have a link and explanation for all the common Declarer Play techniques for students to see the correct approach &/or Teacher use in class.

Hands and Analysis


Physical Library – Bridge NSW has a large library of bridge books available to borrow (inventory to come)

Electronic Library


Contact for lesson details

Themed Hands

Analysis and deal files on various topics. (We will load suggestions by the Teaching Community). Here are a couple of starters.

ContentsNotes 1Slides 1Set 1Deal File 1Notes 2Slides 2Set 2Deal File 2Notes 3Slides 3Set 3Deal File 3
Stayman / TransfersS1H1
More on Leads & SignalsTeacher Notes 1Slides 1S1H1

On a mobile device, scroll the table to the right to view more.


Bridge NSW recognises the generosity of Tina Zines in allowing some of her material to be included.

This publication is covered by a Creative Commons Licence CC BY-SA 4.0

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

BY: Credit must be given to you, the creator.

SA: Adaptations must be shared under the same terms.

This license requires that re-users give credit to Bridge NSW. It allows re-users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, even for commercial purposes. If others remix, adapt, or build upon the material, they must license the modified material under identical terms.