Logging in to RealBridge

To play in a Real Bridge session you have to have been provided with an internet address – that is a URL (this may be provided by a hyperlink). This will look like this https://oceania.realbridge.online/du.html?p=############&q=αααααααααααα where # is a numeral and α is an upper or lower case letter or a numeral.


Going to the web address will take you to the RealBridge login screen (shown here). The session key in the third line is the alphanumeric part of the address.You should enter your name as it appears in the ABF Masterpoints Centre file and your ABF Number should be used in the ID number.

Before you log in, you do get the option to change your camera or microphone settings. Once you log in you can’t make these changes. To test your technology first, you can use the microphone and camera test page.

RealBridge Camera and Microphone Test

Once you log in you are presented with a layout of tables – just click on a seat and you will be allocated to it. Once seated you see a screen that that is a representation of a table.

This screen is  described in the RealBridge Players Guide. It does not explain the use of the symbol just below the ALERT icon – shown here.

This is used to provide a link to your systems card that is required in some senior competitions. The use of that is included in the Bridge NSW System Regulations. Information on how to upload system cards is provided here.

The icon to the left of this – the two arrows in a sort of circle – are used to reestablish your connection. During long sessions the connection can become unstable. Try clicking on this item before more drastic action (e.g. logging off then on again).

If you have any other queries about the use of RealBridge or comments on the platform please email office@bridgensw.com.au.