Publications Readily Available

This page details publications on bridge movements that are readily available.

This slender Australian volume is an essential for any Director’s library. Chapter headings are:

  • Mitchell Movements
  • Howell Movements
  • Individual Movements
  • Choosing the Movement
  • Scoring Duplicate Sessions
  • Teams
  • Scoring Teams
  • Preferred Movements

This American book goes into much more detail on Movements. Designed for the Director in the days before computerised scoring it provides Directors with a deeper understanding of what’s actually going on. 

This magisterial book is a complete journey through both the history of movements and the accompanying mathematics of “squares”.

It is not a book for the faint hearted. It includes John Manning’s 1979 on “balance” and derives the rough rule for arrow switching a Mitchell movement, which is to switch about one eighth of the rounds. 

Movements for the Club Director

Jan Peach

Detailed commentary by Jan Peach, from the QBA web site, explaining Mitchells, Howells, Swiss Pairs, New England, Whist, Round Robin and Swiss Teams.

Download here

Templates for Movements

Compscore 3

Compscore3 has most standard Mitchell movements build it. Howell and other one-winner movements, Team movements, and specialised Mitchells, are all managed using templates.

Templates are simply CSV files in a specific format. You can create them with Excel, or use Compscore3’s in-built template creation process.

Download here