Bridge expert to provide weekly OPL analysis

In a major coup for players in the Summer season of the Online Pairs League, prolific bridge author and expert, Derrick Browne, will share his weekly thoughts on play for the full eight weeks, helping players to advance their bridge skills.

The OPL Summer 2025 season runs from 20 January to 17 March on Monday nights from 7:30pm. Derrick will provide an analysis of interesting play every Tuesday, which will be published on the Bridge NSW website and the Bridge NSW Facebook page.

Learn from a master

A renowned mentor of bridge players and owner of the Trumps Bridge Centre, Derrick will offer expert analysis players in the OPL can learn from.

OPL is a great way for developing players to compete against people of a similar skill level and boost their playing confidence.

Players are allotted into divisions where they play online using the RealBridge platform, which is very similar to face to face (F2F) play. The platform records players’ hands so players can review them in the days following with Derrick’s input in mind.

Or perhaps a local and experienced club mentor might partner with you in the OPL or offer to review your hands after each Monday? A great way to learn from those with more knowledge.

Absent one week or need a partner?

It is only one game per week, and players should finish by 9pm. But if you cannot make it, OPL allows you to call in a substitute player for up to three of the eight games.

Ideally, the substitute player should be of a similar or lower skill level, but the organisers are flexible. If you don’t have a partner, we can attempt to find one for you. Email us in advance and we will do our best.

Discounts on offer

The entry fee is $50, $40 for players with 100-300 masterpoints, and $25 for players with less than 100 masterpoints and youth players (under 25 years).

You can get 50% off your entry fee if you refer someone who hasn’t played OPL before or hasn’t played for at least one year. Just tell us in advance who your friend is.

Register now

Register before 17th January to join the OPL Summer league. You can register on the My ABF platform.